I came across this article on yahoo! By Ayesha Khan, Assistant Editor, The Indian Express, Ahmedabad.
Of course the title of the news line was noteworthy as it was probably the only one with a negative edge towards the movie which otherwise everybody else was praising for more reasons than one. Initially as I started reading it, it kind of looked like a review and I started to perceive the article as an individual’s like or dislike which is absolutely acceptable and normal.
But then suddenly this line came: “So, I debate: should I now watch My Name is Khan, with its catchy tagline: "My name is Khan and I am not a Terrorist". The tagline hurts. It insults.” Now with this, it became clear that the person is yet to see the movie. It became all the more stranger for me to comprehend at that time why the writer says the movie is not for him(her as we find out later… i always imagine guys doing such stuffs) without watching it!!!
To know the reason I proceeded ahead. Now the article started seeming more like an attempt to showdown the Building President than reflecting any views on the movie. I mean with due respect to the writer, I don’t understand one thing… WHY DID SHE HAVE TO USE SUCH SENTIMENTS?
She herself at the end says that though she does all those things done by an average Indian citizen, she has to incidentally prove herself more than any other average Indian citizen… Now for anyone who has seen the movie, he would agree with me that if the real problem was her having to prove herself, then the movie is all the more inspiring for her than hurting!!!
She says that the tagline hurts but why should it hurt? Is there a racist remark in it? Is there any abuse to the religion? Without understanding the essence of the tag line I personally don’t think it was appropriate for her to publicize her views. If she had personal sentiments then she should have written these things on her Blog. Yes I admit that there is a need for the awareness against the likes of the Building President and such elements need to be defaced but my question is, How right is it to raise that issue in the backdrop of the movie?
I have seen the movie 5 times by now(though it was purely for SRK’s performance) and every time I see it, one thing that strikes my mind is the reality portrayed in the movie. I’m by no means trying to justify the negative attitude of the west(or for that matter people of India as well) against Islam. I respect Islam as much as I respect my own religion. And hence as an observer I feel that the world needs to change their view towards the Islam as well. I have many muslim friends and I respect and love them a lot.
But I often see people looking at Muslims with suspicion in their eyes. The element of doubt covering their minds and clouding their perception of Islam. I often hear people say things about Islam that my muslim friends wouldn’t want to hear. I can understand what would be going through your mind right now if u are a muslim. Trust me these things hurt me as much as they hurt you and hence my direct request to Ms. Ayesha Khan and all those who have sentiments towards the tagline of the movie is that don’t perceive the statement “My name is Khan and I’m not a terrorist” as Tagline of the movie, it is in reality the Punch line of the movie(You should see the timing and the manner in which the dialogue features in the movie for the first time to believe what I’m saying). There are instances in the movie where the teachings of Islam are embossed that leave people awestruck.
Think from Khan’s point of view…Shah Rukh Khan… you think he wouldn’t have felt the sentiments that you people are going through? But he took it as a challenge or rather a responsibility to take this message to the world that the words Khan and Terrorist are not co-related. And I suppose we must support him for the cause. I’m not telling this as a SRK fan but I’m telling this as a Hindu who feels Islam deserves a better treatment, a higher respect and a social acceptance without stigma. (Don’t care if VHP or Shiv Sena or Bajrang Dal or any Tom Dick and Harry harass me for a statement like this!)
Awakening is always in an instance. Awakening always happens in a moment. Just one idea, one thought, one insight, one revelation, one existential intervention, one experience, one incident, one accident, one moment of epiphany...That is all is required.
Just one moment will do. And I feel this movie has many moments to spark a new positive attitude towards Islam in people’s mind. Remember, that morning she was a schoolteacher. That afternoon she was a schoolteacher. When she saw a man dying on the streets of Calutta, she was still a schoolteacher. When she saw that man die for want of medical assistance she was still a schoolteacher. The man died. In that moment it all happened. A Mother Teresa was born. That morning he was only a barrister. While entering the train he was still a barrister. While he was thrown out of the railway compartment, he was still a barrister. On the platform when he was down with the feeling of humiliation, in that very moment it all happened. A Mahatma Gandhi was born. Responsibility comes from responding with ability. Let us help a cause to give Islam the respect it deserves. And let us spread this message to the world that there are more Rizwan Khans in Islam than Faisal Rehmans(Character in the movie, no reference intended). Let the world know Khan is not Terrorist.
Ok mate..let's get down to business.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't care less for My Name is Khan, partially because my name isn't Khan :-P. Ok jokes apart, what is it that people have against muslims and the islamic religion. Utter Balderdash i say ! Just because a person prays towards the direction of the qiblah or grows a beard, it doesn't in any way justify his intentions towards violence. ISLAM is defined as submission to god, and it's adherent is a MUSLIM. Muslims regard their religion as the completed and universal version of a monotheistic faith revealed at many times and places before, including, notably, to the prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Religious practices include the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five duties that unite Muslims into a community, namely dietary (against pork consumption), banking (the existence of islamic banks), warfare, welfare (inclusive of charitable contributions) and war. Islam is a religion that stands out amongst the others to be honest. Even though i am a Hindu, i come from a middle eastern nation (United Arab Emirates) where freedom to preach other religions exists even in the presence of islam domination. It is a common question why countries like Saudi Arabia place such stringent rules over women and other rights. The answer in my view, is due to the fact that the nation holds the holy stone, in other words the Kaabah. And it is a privilege to be a patron to the season of holy pilgrimage, i.e. HAJ. And women have proved their share of feats in such a country too. Just a couple of years ago, the first woman pilot arose amongst many aspirants. This shows that women have the strength to move ahead, abiding with the law and respecting the nation too. Let me be honest. Every place has its own norms. For instance, in guruvayur (kerala), men cannot enter the temple without shedding their shirt and vest. In a gurudwara, women must cover their head with a veil and men with a cap. Hence we cannot say that muslims have too many restrictions. We abide by ours because we find it normal. The same goes for them as well. Another line that agonised me is the fact that we accuse muslims of being terrorists. For all those who are under that premonition, take a trip to the nearby muslim colony during the eve of EID or IFTAR and see the harmony that these people spread despite the allegations being heaved upon them. Every person is considered as family, muslim or not. I have been to many a mosque and even shared a wonderful IFTAR meal with my brothers. And let me just say this : they are the most peace loving people i have ever met. You may ask then why are they in the headlines for bombings or attacks. The answer is simple, if you hit someone without a reason, you aren't gonna get a hug in return! The Americans exploit the gulf nations for oil and attack them. And when they retaliate, they lay accusations and allegations upon them. This is the initial state that triggers the youths of the pain stricken nation to pull of a massive stunt that leaves the Americans astute. You scratch someone's back, you might end up having yours stabbed in return! This topic goes on forever, if u wanna really see the good side of someone, then stop picking on them and get to know them. Every religion has it's own pros and cons. Without knowing them properly, we cannot accuse any preacher of his or her mental behaviour. Stay religious, have faith and belief, but don't make yourself a martyr for no reason !
This one's truly brilliant and brlliantly true.. I'v seen the muvi 3 times myself n admired not just Mr.Khan's performance but also the message portrayed. The world needs to know that ppl who follow Islam are to be respected and not scrutinized. The title of the movie clearly conveys this n so does the storyline. Being a Muslim doesn make u a terrorist. Infact if u look closely Islam preaches a higher and stricter discipline than most other religions and it is followed by a significant percentage of the world's population.. the movie is an eye-opener and the writer of the article needs to filter her opinions before reviewing an unwatched movie..