None of us is useless. Just that we are used less. And we all can use ourselves completely, only when we start living a life that is useful to others. The more and more you add values to others, the more and more valuable your life becomes. Today, the surest means to success is value addition. Today, ‘value added services’ is an industry by itself. Fundamentally, the measure of what you will be given depends on what you give.
Didn’t they teach us- when you share your knowledge with others, your knowledge grows! Haven’t we heard – the coffers of those who give are never empty! Isn’t it proverbial – if you take care of the growth of other children, life will take care of your own child!
It seems a man was walking in the desert. He still had miles to go. He spotted a hand pump. A note was stuck on the hand pump. It read, “Pour all the water that you have into this pump and pump vigorously. It will give you in return enough to fill your bottle.” The man was in a dilemma. He knew that the water he was left with was not enough for him to survive the rest of the distance in the sand dunes. However, if he poured everything he had got into the pump, and if nothing came off from the hand pump, he would be left with nothing. He decided to trust the note, and go ahead. So he poured all that he had in the pump and started pumping vigorously, as if his entire life depended on it… of course, his life depended on it. After some nerve-wracking moments water did gush from the pump. He not only had enough to quench his thirst, but also had enough to fill his can. He was then certain that he would now survive the distance. He took out his pen and added to the note: “It works, really works!”
The moral: If you want everything from life, you got to first give everything you have got to life.
Not only from a philosophical point of view, even from a materialistic point of view, when you take care of your employees, they take care of the organizational growth. When you take care of your stakeholder’s returns, they take care of your capital needs. When you take care of your customers, they service your profits. When you work on your partner’s happiness, isn’t your happiness in the relationship automatically taken care of? To start with, you take care of the seed, and one day, the seed turned in to a tree, will take care of you for a lifetime.
Stop cribbing, “Who loves me?” Start loving enough people and you will no more be starved for love. Stop crying, “Who understands me?” Start understanding others, and they in turn will stand by you. Stop complaining, “Who is interested in my growth?” Start playing a role in others growth, and growth will come in search of you. Take care of the future of your team and your team will ensure, you will have a future.
Service the interest of others, and life will service your very interest. Pull others up and life will push you up. Be there for the world, and the world will be there for you. More often than not, when you take care of the larger good, your personal good is automatically taken care of.
Live and let live, but to get, first you need to give….