My last post was about what i learnt from life in a hard way. I'm also lucky enough to have got a chance to work in a corporate world with RedPill Solutions (now a part of IBM) as an intern.
Having been a part of a corporate life for around 8 months, i have learnt that relationship with an organization is more or less similar to a marital relationship.Compatibility - of culture,value systems, and people, plays a major role here too.
Here too divorce exists though the terminology is different! Here too the stakes are very high. Here too it is possible to build a beautiful relationship and makes one's work life happy and smooth. It only requires for us to follow some basic ethics and values that help in adapting, adjusting, retaining and growing. After all, it is mutually beneficial relationship where one has to give and take.
To be frank, one can not get to the top by just rubbing shoulders with big people, or by doing politics. Over and above qualification and certification, there are certain core values that surely help one to get to the top and also make one stay over there.
No.1: Attitude
Attitude plays a major role in making or breaking one's career. A positive attitude breaks barriers and make the person achieve, irrespective of his degrees and certificates. A positive attitude is sure to enable one's growth and success. An individual must believe that he will make it happen, come what may. This is a key factor for so many lesser privileged to achieve despite drawbacks.
No.2: Passion
Without the fire called "Passion", one can only keep watching the clock to count the number of hours one puts in. A person with passion, no matter what, will ensure that the work assigned will be completed within time limit. There will be no word called 'Procrastination' in their dictionary. The fire has to keep burning to learn new things, experiment and to innovate.
No.3: Loyalty
This is one more factor that decides why some employees stay with an organization while others don't. Being loyal means staying with the organization, speaking well about the organization and also giving references to join. Also it gives ample time for an employee to grow and prove himself. It also brings with it a lot of respect and admiration and allows the organization to elevate and support the employee. So being loyal does not question my marketability for job offers. It only proves my strength and capabilities to adapt, persevere and grow along with the organization.
No.4: Humility
As we grow up the ladder, so must our humility. Humility is not a sign of weakness. In fact, only people with the most balanced and matured minds are capable of this and it is only these who make it to the top. Humility does not mean you think less OF yourself. It only means you think less ABOUT yourself.
No.5: Respect
Be it in the corporate world or otherwise, it is actually a small world. Give respect and take respect is the policy. One never knows whom we would meet again and again in the journey of life. Always respect the individual be it your boss, your subordinates, your colleagues, or anyone for that matter. We have something to learn from everyone, irrespective of age or seniority.
No.6: Caution
Think before you act. Never be impulsive in saying or writing. Once said, you cannot take it back and once written, its proof. Especially, when in anger, it is always better to wait for a day or two, to let the feelings pass.(This rings a bell or two in my ears!!! I still feel embarrassed when i think about what i did in the flow of emotions once) Always consult someone close to you for good advice.
No.7: No Politics
Do not engage in politics even if seems interesting. Even the walls have ears bickering about others behind their backs, revealing things said in confidence, loose talks are all politics and best avoided. Politics stunts growth for sure.
No.8: Honesty
There is no alternative to honesty. Honesty pays. It is an integral element of credibility and hence character. Dishonesty has a very short shelf life.
No.9: Knowledge Transfer
Record every learning and experience and pass it to your next in line. Do not hesitate to transfer valuable knowledge and best practices that might help another person to learn and grow. Allowing other persons to grow is the sign of strength.
No.10: Hard Work
There is no substitute for hard work. Hard work pays. Nothing comes easy in life and every thing good in life comes with a price and once we have decided to make it big, we will have to burn the midnight oil, dirty our hands, and sometimes sacrifice our personal interests. It all depends on what we want to achieve and how much we are prepared to stretch ourselves to achieve it.
Remember, Success is not what you achieve compared to others. It is what you achieve compared to what you are capable of.
Thanks to all those people who made my internship a success at RedPill.