Sitting alone on a winter night,
Beside a warm luminous flame,
Comes a breeze playing with fallen leaves,
And whispers in my ears your name !
Suddenly it seemed that spring has come,
There was love in air with drizzling shower,
With every breath there is a fragrance,
With every glance there is a colorful flower.
Every drop from sky seemed like
The water from your wet hair drips,
And every pink flower i saw,
Was greiving for color from your lips.
That cuckoo singing those sweet melodies,
Seemed to have borrowed your voice,
And any other sound except your name,
Fell on my ears as mere noise.
The collection of all colors, that rainbow,
Stretching across the horizon looking pretty,
Also cant lend colors to your portrait,
As mere colors cant depict your beauty.
The stream of water trickling down the rocks,
Made sound like how you laugh.
And i imagined your glittering eyes when,
I could see the setting sun only half.
Suddenly i open my eyes and wake up to see,
The same old winter night and the burnt off flame,
I realized that it was just a broken dream,
But one thing that still remained in air was "YOUR NAME"!!!!!
- Kandarp
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
When you truly believe you can, no force on earth can stop you…

Desire is a great creative energy. No achievement is possible without a desire to achieve it. Desire can be and should be cultivated, controlled and most importantly directed in the right direction. None of the inherent laws which govern the world, can be suspended or repelled by any force on the same plane, but it goes without saying that a higher law can overcome a lower one. By giving all your energy to a strong positive desire that will lift you, the smaller insignificant ones can be negated. For example, when you nurture a strong desire to win the marathon, your desires to eat sweets and pastries is taken over by the desire to win the race. When you nurture a strong desire to top the class, you easily give up your desire to watch the cricket match during exams. By fostering a strong desire to finish the project on time, your desire for the sleep goes for a toss. Your desire to own a house is so persuasive that you don’t mind forgoing your weekend and working for it. The list is endless… It boils down to what is that one desire that you will continuously ignite and pledge your life with, and the rest fades away in insignificance.
We often see men and women of strong mentality empower those around them. They emanate such strong desires as vibrations, which, coming in contact with minds of others, causes the desires of the latter to be in accord with the mind of the strong individual.
Great masters possess this to a great degree. Their influence is felt far and near by making others ‘want’ to act in accord with them. In this way, men of strong desire and imagination exert powerful influence over the minds of others, leading the latter in the way desired. Leadership is nothing but empowering the mass with your desires and leading them by giving their desires a sense of direction.
When the desires of a tree, for water, makes it lift water through 367 feet(tallest tree in the world) overcoming gravity, what should be the power of a human desire? Unimaginable! This is where one has to tread cautiously, for desire is a tool, which can cause destruction or creation depending on how and for what purpose you use it. Both a Hitler, who wanted to vanquish the Jews, and a Gandhi, who perpetuated non-violence became legends by making the people feel along with their desires.
No man is ever created without the inherent power in himself to help himself. There is a divine potency in every human being and even for that to happen desire is required. Ignite that desire in you, which is beneficial not only to you, but also for hoards of people around to such gigantic proportions that it engulfs all your other desires. The only way to work is to perform all your actions in tune with that strong desire, but not be desperate for the results.
Those of us, who understand that mind is a great creative power, also understand that nothing is impossible.
When you truly believe you can, no force on earth can stop you…
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Live and let live, but to get, first you need to give….

None of us is useless. Just that we are used less. And we all can use ourselves completely, only when we start living a life that is useful to others. The more and more you add values to others, the more and more valuable your life becomes. Today, the surest means to success is value addition. Today, ‘value added services’ is an industry by itself. Fundamentally, the measure of what you will be given depends on what you give.
Didn’t they teach us- when you share your knowledge with others, your knowledge grows! Haven’t we heard – the coffers of those who give are never empty! Isn’t it proverbial – if you take care of the growth of other children, life will take care of your own child!
It seems a man was walking in the desert. He still had miles to go. He spotted a hand pump. A note was stuck on the hand pump. It read, “Pour all the water that you have into this pump and pump vigorously. It will give you in return enough to fill your bottle.” The man was in a dilemma. He knew that the water he was left with was not enough for him to survive the rest of the distance in the sand dunes. However, if he poured everything he had got into the pump, and if nothing came off from the hand pump, he would be left with nothing. He decided to trust the note, and go ahead. So he poured all that he had in the pump and started pumping vigorously, as if his entire life depended on it… of course, his life depended on it. After some nerve-wracking moments water did gush from the pump. He not only had enough to quench his thirst, but also had enough to fill his can. He was then certain that he would now survive the distance. He took out his pen and added to the note: “It works, really works!”
The moral: If you want everything from life, you got to first give everything you have got to life.
Not only from a philosophical point of view, even from a materialistic point of view, when you take care of your employees, they take care of the organizational growth. When you take care of your stakeholder’s returns, they take care of your capital needs. When you take care of your customers, they service your profits. When you work on your partner’s happiness, isn’t your happiness in the relationship automatically taken care of? To start with, you take care of the seed, and one day, the seed turned in to a tree, will take care of you for a lifetime.
Stop cribbing, “Who loves me?” Start loving enough people and you will no more be starved for love. Stop crying, “Who understands me?” Start understanding others, and they in turn will stand by you. Stop complaining, “Who is interested in my growth?” Start playing a role in others growth, and growth will come in search of you. Take care of the future of your team and your team will ensure, you will have a future.
Service the interest of others, and life will service your very interest. Pull others up and life will push you up. Be there for the world, and the world will be there for you. More often than not, when you take care of the larger good, your personal good is automatically taken care of.
Live and let live, but to get, first you need to give….
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Que sera,sera

These two phrases haunt us throughout our lives reducing us from confident, self assured individuals to depressed, morose bundles of nerves. “What if…” and “if only…” are two ends of the same spectrum. One creates self doubts and the other is the harbinger of regret. “What if…” simply prevents us from fulfilling our dreams because it fills us with a feeling of uncertainty as to whether what we are doing is right or not. The two words act as roadblocks in the path of individual progress as well as collective growth. While it is prudent to observe a certain amount of caution in any work we perform, it is never advisable to constantly give in to morbid thoughts about what can go wrong. Giving in to panic every time we think of accomplishing a task will only lead to failure and reluctant frustration and depression. Continuous suppression of ideas and objectives will hamper our physical, mental and spiritual growth.
A friend of mine has been thinking of embarking on a world tour with her husband for the past four years but has never made it past her door step. The moments she decides to set out, the monster called “What if…” rears its ugly head. She starts preparing a mental questionnaire where each question starts with – you guessed it… What if it snows heavily in Switzerland and we are trapped? What if hurricane Katrina strikes New Orleans when we are visiting the states? What if an earthquake shakes Japan or China as we are passing through it?
Like him, most of us succumb to the “What if” questionnaire and give up many of our dreams without even attempting. If we reflect on these doubts with a calm and composed mind, we will realize that most of the doubts are baseless. Most of the so-called hurdles are created in our minds. And if something has to go wrong, it will. As they say ‘que sera sera’ or ‘whatever will be, will be’. All we can do is to take the necessary precautions and then pray for the best and prepare for the worst.
Every time the frog sat on the edge of the well and thought of exploring the world, ‘what if’ will visit him and plunge him into panic and doubt. Since he was never bold enough to shake it off, he would leap back in the wall and stay there. Soon the years passed by and one day lying on his deathbed, the frog was visited by the other brother ‘if only’. He closed his eyes and thought of innumerable times when he had thought of leaving the well, but had not. If only he had had the courage to do it, if only he had followed his friend on his journey, if only he had another chance, if only… With these regrets in mind, the frog breathed his last.